What is a Certified Lead-Safe Company?
The Department of Health and Family Services grants leadsafe certification to companies that use only certified workers who follow lead-safe practices when doing work that disturbs paint in housing built
before 1978. Residential lead-based paint was banned in 1978.
What does a Certified Lead-Safe Company do?
Certified lead-safe companies use special work practices to protect people and their homes from lead dust created when paint is disturbed. Renovation and repair work can create large amounts of harmful lead dust.
Lead-safe workers use plastic sheeting to protect floors and furnishings, reduce the amount of dust created, bag or wrap waste, and thoroughly clean work areas daily and at the end of the project.
Working clean is the key to working lead-safe
Why is lead so harmful?
Lead poisoning often has no obvious symptoms, yet it can damage nearly every system in the body. Lead poisoning causes brain damage, learning disabilities and behavioral problems. High lead levels can cause seizures, coma, and even death.
The major source for children is lead-based paint and leaddust in their homes. Children under 6 are most at risk because they are growing rapidly, their brains are still developing, and they tend to put their hands and other objects into their mouths. It takes only a tiny amount of lead dust to poison a child.
Home remodeling and furniture restoration are high-risk occupations for lead poisoning. Adults with high lead levels can experience anemia, nervous system problems (tremors and balance), kidney problems, high
blood pressure, miscarriages, fertility problems and loss of libido.
How will being a Certified Lead-Safe Company help protect my health and the health of my family?
Certified lead-safe workers create less lead dust during work. Lead-safe workers decontaminate themselves, their clothing, shoes and tools before going home each day. These work practices protect their own health and also protect their families from potential “take home” lead.
New Castle Builder LLC Practices Lead Safety and is Lead Certified.
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